Wring Out To Ring In
This is the end of my “It’s A Wonderful Life” themed Express Desk Stretch series. The focus is on the final scene of the movie where the townspeople empty their pockets to save George. Just prior to this, George, with the help of his guardian angel Clarence, realizes the beliefs he has been holding onto are false. Clarence helps him to get rid of those false beliefs and George realizes he has a wonderful life.
What stories might you be holding onto unnecessarily? What baggage do you need to drop to create space for what is possible for you now and into the new year? I invite you to reflect on these questions.
I also invite you to check out this week’s meditation and stretch series. It is designed to help you wring out what is not serving you so you can ring in new possibilities. To access it, click the button below.
Happy Holidays! I will see you back here in early January.
Click here for access to past stretch videos
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