When Your Backyard Is Your Office

Reenergize in nature and move your body.

Research supports you can only do focused work for about 90 minutes then you need to take a quick break to hit the reset button. Two of the best ways to do that is to get in nature and move your body. This week’s Express Desk Stretch helps you accomplish both.

When Your Backyard is Your Office

Here is a link to other short (10-12 minute) stretch sessions.

If you know others who would enjoy receiving a weekly set of stretches that can be done on their own time to rejuvenate and reenergize their workday and their lives, please share this or send them to ExpressDeskStretch.com to sign up.

Thanks you for watching and sharing.


Creaky And Squeaky (Upper Body) - Express Desk Stretch


Fall Break - Express Desk Stretch